It’s done! I’m back at home and I’m officially 1.2 liters lighter. I am eating like I’ve never seen food before (doughnuts and mac n’ cheese for breakfast yesterday!) and I am starting to be pretty mobile, so hopefully I can counteract my ogre appetite with some running here in the next couple weeks.
My heart is busting at the seams with thank yous for the overwhelming support of so many people. I have honestly been shocked by what my dad so appropriately described as “the power of support.” You can’t possibly know the weight and, well… the sheer power that a kind word, a text, a call, a visit or even a Facebook post can have until you’re in a scary and vulnerable situation. So, first I just need to say thank you. I wish I could find more words to describe my gratitude. I have never felt so lucky and so blessed for so many things, specifically a huge network of support and love that has genuinely stepped up for me over the past few months. I really can’t thank you all enough for making one of the most serious decisions in my life an easy one.
So, for those interested in the blood and guts, check out my earlier post.
Ok, not really blood and guts. I only have four little puncture wounds and no stitches, but you get the idea.
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